Basel, CH – March 2022

Classified Procurement for the Protein Industry – 3/3


Welcome to the third and final part of our article series on Softproviding’s new Classified Procurement module that helps companies procure “unclassified” products. After the first two articles described the inbound delivery process and classification in the protein industry using Classification Cockpit as well as the settlement process for the carcasses, the focus today is on findings.




Findings on an animal carcass can arise at various points, be it at the producer’s, a vehicle, reception, barn or slaughter process. Whereas the quality type was used for this purpose in the current slaughtering module, the class type takes over this function in Classified Procurement.


In the course of the innovations, the Findings Management tool, too, has undergone a redesign. The characteristic is now the basic feature of a finding. Here too, relationships of findings have a controlling functionality, be it in case of exclusions as well as in the amendment of findings.


In Classified Procurement, the evaluation code is mapped using a characteristic. For this purpose, another new functionality is implemented: the calculation of characteristic values at runtime without storing the value in the database. The evaluation code is basically controlled by various other characteristics, the actual findings. Depending on the character of the finding – here an example from the protein industry – the carcass is either “fit for consumption” or “not fit for consumption” or, in other words, the primary product is OK or NOK. Accordingly, the characteristic value for the evaluation code is assigned to a characteristic value in Findings Management.


Furthermore, the control of condition types by findings has been included in the Findings Management tool. Here, a finding controls the inclusion or exclusion of a condition type in the pricing procedure.


As an absolute innovation, it is now possible to assign to an order item the medicaments that have been administered to all or some of the animals in the past. Based on the master data, it is possible to check whether the respective dose was permitted for a corresponding country and how long the quarantine period is for animals after the last administration before they are allowed for slaughter. If the delivery date requested by the producer falls within the quarantine period, a notice is issued and the quarantine end date is calculated, which allows the delivery date to be adjusted accordingly.


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The functions explained here using examples from the protein industry can, of course, also be used without restriction in other sectors of the food industry.


If this article has piqued your interest, please do not hesitate to contact Stephan Kronbichler (Business Development) for further information: E-mail, phone +41 (0)61 508 21 42.