Basel, CH – June 2023
Disassembly with Meat and Fish Management 4/4
We would like to conclude our newsletter series on the topic of Disassembly with an introduction to the extensive reporting options. The central objects here are, as already described in detail in the article on “Execution”, the disassembly order and the numerous PDAO operations that are recorded with reference to the disassembly order.
Calculation Analysis
The Calculation Analysis in the disassembly order is used to consider different variants: what if we had disassembled according to the planned values? What if we had proceeded according to the target? What was actually produced and what are the exact consequences?
The calculation analysis is performed with the planned quantities from MRP Calculation.
The target quantities indicate how the respective output quantities should have been produced based on the definition in the cut list and the input quantities actually recorded during disassembly. In this process, the total actual input quantity (sum of all inputs) is distributed as the target output quantity according to the planned percentage distribution defined in the cut list. The calculation analysis is performed based on the calculated target quantity.
The target quantity for material 120 (rind) is 753.033 KG. This was calculated based on the actual inputs and outputs.
By displaying further details, it is possible to understand from which source cuts the target quantity is calculated.
Target (Alternative Price)
For this analysis, the explanations on the analysis of the target calculation apply in principle (see above). Valuation of input materials is performed with an alternative price (e.g. planned price 1, planned price 2).
Based on the recorded output quantities, their quantity shares are determined using the percentages of these outputs, among other things, and then the input quantity of this cut is calculated. The actual output quantities recorded are interpreted as requirements (and written to the corresponding requirements fields of these materials).
The calculation analysis Actual Calculation displays the recorded actual quantities of input and output materials as well as the corresponding actual prices and values. Input materials are valued using the price of the selected price source (e.g. standard price).
In the calculation analysis, it is possible to see in detail how the quantities are made up. In the screenshot you can see that 705 KG were recorded in Actual. However, based on the inputs, 753.033 KG should have been produced.
Through further analysis, it can be understood in detail how the actual quantity is distributed to the source cuts:
Target Calculation (Order)
The target quantities in the Output tab of the disassembly order indicate how the respective output quantities should have been produced according to the definition in the cut list and based on the input quantities actually recorded during disassembly. In this process, the total actual input quantity (sum of all inputs) is distributed as the target output quantity according to the planned percentage distribution defined in the cut list. Target calculation is used by many customers to carry out a target/actual comparison at order and material level, as the target values are much more accurate than planned values (planned is usually an assumption, the actual can deviate considerably). How the quantities of the target calculation can be reproduced in detail has already been described in the section on Calculation Analysis further up. In the disassembly order, this can be analyzed per material in the Outbound tab:
Furthermore, a comprehensive comparison of planned/target and actual data is possible (percentage, absolute, quantity-based, value-based).
Controlling View – Disassembly Order
This controlling tab provides an overview of the calculations and entries made in both planned and actual. These are presented in the following three variance categories:
– Disassembly process variance (deviation actual regarding input and output materials)
– Plan variance Input (deviation planned to actual for input materials)
– Plan variance Output (deviation plan to actual for output materials)
These representations serve to
– control the total of the entered quantities (planned quantities/actual quantities)
– control the calculations made (prices used and values calculated)
– analyze the corresponding deviations
Cost View
The cost view enables a cost comparison both on order (all costs) and cut level as well as for individual output materials. In Customizing, you can define which price source is to be used for the valuation and the subsequent calculation of the planned prices, the target 1 prices and the actual prices. The example below shows a striking deviation between the plan and the target/actual costs. The reason for this was that prices for input materials were not maintained at the time of planning and these were valuated with cost 0.
The two delivered evaluations allow you to find deviations across orders and to analyze them if necessary.
Order Controlling
This evaluation allows you to evaluate all disassembly processes of a certain period. In the order view, the inbound and outbound quantities are compared; in the two additional views, the details of the corresponding order can be evaluated, and deviations identified. Via a hotspot, the user can branch into the job at any time and analyze further details.
Yield Control for Balance
In this evaluation, the yield per material (planned/target/actual) is determined. This can also be done without order or cut list reference.
If this article has piqued your interest, please do not hesitate to contact Stephan Kronbichler (Business Development) for further information E-mail, phone +41 (0)61 508 21 42.