A Team of Professionals. And Full Commitment from the Management.

“Softproviding unleashes the full potential of digital transformation for your business. Through cutting-edge technologies and customized solutions designed for the food industry, we deliver added value that excites and inspires both you and your customers.”
Stephan Kronbichler (CEO)
“We are committed to building lasting partnerships founded on trust, transparency, and mutual success.”
Stephan Kronbichler (CEO)
“Success begins with a strong team – dedicated, creative, and brimming with talent. Together, we craft IT solutions that shape the future.”
Stephan Kronbichler (CEO)
“Your success is our standard of excellence. At Softproviding, we collaborate to create solutions that not only stand out but also align seamlessly with the specific needs of your industry.”
Hubert Rupf (Head of Product and member of the management)
“Our mission is to deliver integrated solutions that enhance efficiency in our customers’ food industry processes, achieve exceptional operating results, and fulfill all requirements.”
Hubert Rupf (Head of Product and member of the management)
“From protein processors to beverage manufacturers, our software is designed to seamlessly adapt to your company’s unique needs. Flexible, efficient, and purpose-built to address the challenges of the food industry.”
Hubert Rupf (Head of Product and member of the management)

A vertical take-off. And still growing.
August 2000: | “Ready …, steady …, Softproviding go!” |
2001: | Passed the first test: Softproviding becomes an SAP Service Partner. |
2006: | “Softproviding Powered by SAP NetWeaver” The company becomes a member of the SAP Industry Value Network and attends SAPPHIRE in Paris for the first time. |
2007: | SAP Meat Management by msg supports SAP Catch Weight Management (CWM). |
2010: | Softproviding takes part in the SAP Global Protein Council for the first time. |
2011: | Promoted to the premier league: SAP Meat Management by msg is recognised by SAP as an SAP-Endorsed Business Solution (EBS). Softproviding is given the status of SAP-Endorsed Business Solution Partner. |
2014: | A major presence: Softproviding presents the SAP Meat Management by msg solution at the SAP Global Protein Council using the example of successful installations at Maple Leaf Foods (Canada) and Tyson Foods (USA). Presentation SAP Global Protein Council PDF |
2016: | msg systems ag becomes a majority shareholder in Softproviding AG, and in doing so, makes the company part of the globally active msg group. As a consequence, msg expands its current portfolio in the Food division, a division the company considers strategically significant, to include a solution for the meat industry. msg becomes shareholder in Softproviding AG |
Meat Management is brought into the official SAP product portfolio and into SAP’s flagship partner model for product partners, the SAP Vendor Branded Reseller (VBR) partner model. Since then, it has appeared under the product name “SAP Meat Management by msg” on the SAP price list and is thus available to buy from the global SAP sales platform. SAP Meat Management by msg – VBR |
2017: | SAP Meat and Fish Management by msg has entered a new era: it is now available for S/4HANA, bringing its capabilities to the next generation of the ERP business suite. |
2021: | Softproviding is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the msg group. |
2023: | Softproviding has offically acquired SAP Dairy Management by msg, strengthening our commitment to providing innovative solutions tailored to the dairy industry. |
2025: | After 25 years of visionary leadership and remarkable success, our founders and long-standing managing directors, Jan Grütter Brodmann and Hans-Peter Jordi, have decided to pass the baton to a new generation of management. This decision reflects their commitment to ensuring a smooth transition and setting a strong foundation for the company’s future. Stephan Kronbichler assumes the role of Managing Director, succeeding Jan Grütter Brodmann. Additionally, Hubert Rupf will step into the position of Head of Product and Executive Board member, taking over the product division from Hans-Peter Jordi. |
An impressive track record. And satisfied customers.
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Switzerland / Meat
Micarna SA, www.micarna.ch
In 2002 the leading meat processor in Switzerland was the first customer to choose SAP Meat Management by msg and is still with us today. The solution has now been installed at all the company’s sites. Courtepin: the full program for pigs, cattle and poultry: slaughtering, disassembly, production. Bazenheid: the full program for pigs: disassembly, production. Zurich: for cattle: disassembly, production. Schönbühl: disassembly, production. The recently completed plant in Bazenheid is one of the most modern disassembly and production facilities in the world. It has a very high level of automation and correspondingly high productivity. It sets new standards for safety with regard to statutory requirements and traceability Micarna Success Story PDF
Ernst Sutter AG, www.ernstsutterag.ch
The major Swiss meat producer Ernst Sutter AG (“the fine art of meat”) runs its end-to-end process across 9 plants using SAP Meat Management by msg. Ernst Sutter AG Success Story PDF
SBAG (Schlachtbetrieb St. Gallen AG), www.sbag-sg.ch
This contract slaughtering company provides its customers with the latest slaughter data from SAP Meat Management by msg. SBAG Success Story PDF
Bell AG, www.bell.ch
The Swiss market leader in the field of meat processing installed SAP Meat Management by msg in 2007: from slaughtering to cooked meats, from Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne to Basel.
Switzerland / Other industries
Sweet production
The IT solution with Softproviding Core used by a famous Swiss sweet manufacturer with production sites in the USA and elsewhere has received the approval of the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration).
Multi-Contact AG, www.multi-contact.com
This company specialising in electrical connectors has a dynamic label management and printing package fully integrated into its SAP system. Softproviding Core makes it possible.
Schindler Aufzüge AG, www.schindler.com
The elevator manufacturer uses Remote Application Framework (RAF) to establish connections with touch screen devices and mobile scanner applications in ABAP.
Compagnie Financière Richemont SA, www.richemont.ch
The luxury goods group, based in Bellevue near Geneva, uses myEASYPAY, an impressive solution for electronic data interchange (EDI) in payment transactions. myEASYPAY is an elegant complement to the SAP standard system, offering EDI functionality and facilitating the creation of IDocs. It supports the processing of accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll payments with a variable value date in a single transaction. The user-friendly interface allows multiple payment runs to be started simultaneously, with their status displayed using icons. The system also shows the number of posted payment documents. myEASYPAY is compatible with all releases and is under constant development. A comprehensive documentation set completes the package.
The Principality of Liechtenstein / Meat
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt, www.ospelt.com
This food and animal feeds specialist began using SAP Meat Management by msg in 2004. The solution is installed at a range of sites: in Bendern (Liechtenstein) for the Malbuner meat specialities and cat and dog food; in Sargans (Switzerland) for ready meals, pasta, poultry, packaging fish and seafood; in Weite (Switzerland) for fish and seafood; in Geroldswil at Panetta SA for sandwich production.
Germany / Meat
WESTFLEISCH eG, Coesfeld, www.westfleisch.de
One of the leading meat processing companies in Germany and in Europe opted for SAP Meat Management by msg. The slaughtering site in Coesfeld went live in 2016. Coping with the huge slaughtering capacity of 600 pigs per hour was one of the outstanding challenges this project presented.
Müller Fleisch GmbH, Birkenfeld, www.mueller-fleisch.de
This slaughtering and disassembly firm has been using SAP Meat Management by msg since 2013. The first stage of the implementation took place at the company’s Birkenfeld site, where the software is already in productive use. The second stage and implementation at other locations in Germany is still in the planning phase.
Kaufland Fleischwaren, Neckarsulm, www.kaufland.de
The supermarket and retail chain has been implementing SAP Meat Management by msg at its plants in Möckmühl and Osterfeld (Germany) and in Modletice (Czech Republic) since 2004. The newly completed site in Heiligenstadt (Germany) implemented the software package in 2013.
Kaufland is Softproviding’s largest customer in Germany. For example, the company processes 4000 kg of Thüringer Bratwurst sausages per hour. The Heiligenstadt plant, which has a floor area of 30,000 square metres, combines traditional craftsmanship with the latest technology. A pig half can be disassembled in 8 seconds and the plant processes 4500 units per day. All the products leave the factory in end-user packaging. In the “white” zone, which has a production area of 15,000 square metres, the focus is on hygiene. This is where all types of minced meat are produced at a rate of 800 kg/h per employee.
Wilhelm Brandenburg, Frankfurt am Main, www.wilhelmbrandenburg.de
The quality meat processor has been using SAP Meat Management by msg since 2009. Its plants in Frankfurt am Main, Timmendorfer Strand, Dreieichenhain and Netphen supply 5000 supermarkets from the REWE Group (REWE, PENNY and toom) throughout Germany with more than 137,000 tonnes of meat and sausage products, which are either ready packaged or destined for the deli counter.
The Family Butchers Germany GmbH, Versmold, https://the-family-butchers.com/
This family butcher’s business based in Westphalia installed SAP Meat Management by msg in 2004 and was Softproviding’s first customer in Germany. In its plants in Versmold (headquarters), Brunsbek, Friesoythe, Vörden, Lörrach and Romania, the company, which was founded in 1931, produces fine meat products and sausages.
Heinrich Nölke GmbH & Co. KG, Versmold, www.noelke.de
This poultry sausage producer, a family business with plants in Versmold, Waren and Menzefricke, has been using SAP Meat Management by msg since 2007. This was the first major DPS implementation with Softproviding Core for disassembly, production, packaging, labelling and picking.
GETI WILBA GmbH & Co. KG, Bremervörde, www.geti-wilba.de
With GETI WILBA, Softproviding has successfully acquired a customer who is a deep-frozen poultry, game and convenience food specialist. The company already uses SAP ERP and has decided to introduce SAP Meat Management by msg into its poultry processing plant. GETI WILBA Success Story
Denmark / Meat
Danish Crown A/S, Randers, www.danishcrown.com
In 2014 this Danish meat producing company opted for SAP Meat Management by msg and is Softproviding’s first customer in northern Europe. Danish Crown’s newly opened plant in Holsted (Denmark) installed elements of Meat Management in 2014 as part of a pilot project in its cattle, slaughtering, disassembly and mince production units.
Norway / Meat
Nortura SA, Oslo, www.nortura.no
Nortura SA, Norway’s largest meat and egg producer, chose SAP Meat Management by msg and SAP in April 2015.
Slovenia / Meat
Perutnina Ptuj, www.perutnina.com
The largest poultry processor in south-east Europe first installed SAP Meat Management by msg in 2010.
Greece / Meat
P.G. NIKAS S.A., Athen, www.nikas.gr
The leading meat processing company in Greece chose SAP Meat Management by msg in 2007 to allow it to achieve its visionary goals.
Australia / Meat
B.E. Campbell (NSW) Pty Ltd, Wetherill Park, www.becampbell.com.au
This family company, which specializes in pork and has plants in Wetherill Park and Arndell Park, invested in SAP Meat Management by msg in 2010. The company uses the full program in its slaughtering, disassembly, production, packaging, labelling and picking departments. In 2014, BEC opened a slaughtering and disassembly site with picking and delivery in Young (around 500 km from Sydney) and plans to install Softproviding Meat there this year.
North America / Meat
Maple Leaf Foods, Toronto, Kanada, www.mapleleaffoods.com
This international food company, based in Canada, began by installing SAP Meat Management by msg in 6 of its poultry plants in 2011 and liked what it saw. The installation of the program for its pork business followed in 2012.
Tyson Foods, Arkansas, USA, www.tyson.com
Tyson Foods, Inc. is one of the world’s largest processors and marketers of chicken, beef, and pork products. Tyson Foods started to implement SAP Meat Management by msg in 2012.
South America / Meat
Agrosuper, Rancagua, Chile, www.agrosuper.com
The Chilean meat producer and global player Agrosuper has processes quite different from those used by European companies. The flexibility of SAP Meat Management by msg and SAP has been highly impressive. Since February 2015, all processes at the Rosario plant belonging to the Chilean food group Agrosuper are handled entirely with SAP Meat Management by msg. The introduction of SAP Meat Management by msg at Agrosuper is set to continue this year with the scheduled roll-out of the solution in the San Vicente poultry plant.
Agrosuper Success Story Rosario
Agrosuper Success Story San Vicente
Agrosuper Success Story Lo Miranda
Whatever you’re planning, our processes will ensure your success.
Softproviding AG
Dornacherstrasse 210
CH-4053 Basel, Switzerland

Phone +41 (0)61 508 21 21